Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been playing a significant role across various sectors and industries, and content creation is no exception. More and more businesses nowadays are extensively making use of AI tools as they help generate content quickly, and cost-effectively.
It is this very factor that gave rise to the growing concern of the future of content writers. However, the good news is that, no matter how powerful AI is, it can never replace the uniqueness that you can bring to your content with a content writer for hire.
Let’s take a tour of this blog and explore how a human content writer brings about the value and uniqueness that AI-generated content lacks extensively.
The Value of Human Writers Over AI

1. Human writers have a heart!
AI writing tools like ChatGPT, Jasper, or Gemini AI, might help you scour the internet and produce content faster than a human can ever do! However, it lacks just one thing that the best freelance content writers have- a heart!
Hence, it can produce content about the perks and drawbacks of working parents. But, AI can never know the emotional upheaval that working parents experience thinking about their future and their child’s future.
A human content writer, on the contrary, can very well catch this emotion, and reflect it in their content! This subtle difference in perspective is enough for users to realize the differences between AI-generated and human-written content.
2. Human writers can narrate emotions through stories
The best thing about writers associated with creative content writing services is their storytelling element. And since human beings are emotional creatures, their emotions are perfectly portrayed through their stories.
Compared to that, an AI can never master the art of storytelling. Even if it is being fed with the right prompts, it would still lack the emotions behind the story that a content writer would never miss! That’s one of the many reasons why creative agencies prefer professional human writers more than AI tools!
3. Human writers can come up with unique ideas and perspectives
Another major element that AI tools lack is unique ideas and perspectives. They are just best at scouring and purgating!
On the other hand, human writers associated with the best blog writing services can come up with unique ideas and perspectives that would take the readers by surprise. Their creative ideations can result in producing numerous ways to tackle a particular topic which can never be expected from an AI tool! That’s because their ideations aren’t just based on facts and statistics, but emotions and feelings!
To Conclude
AI tools have definitely brought about a revolution in the writing sector. But in no way can it ever overpower a human writer! It lacks the emotional intelligence which sets human writers apart from AI writing tools, and is reflected clearly in the content! That’s one of the main reasons why blog content writing services like us at Content Freelancing prefer giving salaries to human writers rather than generating AI content for free! Want to hire our writers to get a taste of their creativity? Click here to get in touch with us today!