Blogging is a very lucrative career choice in today’s world. Professional bloggers pen amazing posts for businesses. So, if you are looking for one, stop beating around the bush. At Content Freelancing, a blog posts writing service, we have writers for hire to shape your business blog professionally. As the effectiveness of content marketing is stepping up each day, the requirements for blogs are also growing. A good business blog makes for most of your site’s organic traffic. Also, you can build authority in your niche with well-crafted blogs. So, you must know what makes a blog stand out and what jeopardizes your reputation.
As blogging is a relatively new profession, there are certain common mistakes that a blogger does. So, when you hire writers for blogs make sure you choose someone with loads of experience. Here is a list of the common mistakes that destroy a blog’s potential to reach and connect to the audience.
Not Choosing Target Audience:
This is probably the most common mistake that amateur bloggers do. Before writing something, you must always know who you are writing for. This audience segmentation can be based on the product or service you are promoting; can be for a particular region or also might be for a very tightly-knitted group audience. When you pick and understand your audience, the delivery of the content is correct. You will know exactly what is to be written to motivate the audience and connect to the audience. This is the best way to build brand loyalty and maintain great relationships with your potential target market.

Inconsistent Blogging:
Blogging needs to be regular. A blogger shouldn’t write blogs just for a special occasion. Blogs should be updated at frequent intervals to post detailed updates about the business and also about the market in general. That way, you will keep your potential audience engaged and updated. So, if you are wondering how to hire a blog writer, you must look for writers who understand the importance of regular blogging. Also, bloggers should maintain a content calendar that will make a list of blogs to be written and updated by studying the market pattern.
Implementing persuasive writing technique:
At Content Freelancing, we understand the importance of content writing techniques. One of the primary aspects of knowing those techniques is that you understand when not to use them. This means that you cannot always write promotional content. Pursuing your audience is important, but constantly nagging your audience may affect your brand adversely. Also, from an SEO point of view, your blogs should not be like the sales copy. So, if you hire SEO content writer, you should trust their way to amplify your SEO rank. Popular search engines, like Google, penalize your site for constantly promoting your brand and for loading the content with keywords for SEO enhancement.
So, if you are a blogger or choosing to hire bloggers for your website, you must avoid these common mistakes. Also, it is always safe to look for expert content service providers. They take care of your SEO ranking. Not to mention, they also form a firm connection with your target audience placing you in a strong position in the market. If you are looking for a content writing service, contact us, Content Freelancing by emailing us at – or through skype at – kalpana.projects