How Does Content Readability Impact SEO and SERP Rankings

How Does Content Readability Impact SEO and SERP Rankings?

Quiz time folks!

What are three things that make any content catch your attention?

Readability, readability, and that’s right, readability! Why is that so?

Because the sole purpose of content, be it a blog post, an article, or a social media description, is to help users provide information. Now, if the readers have to google the meaning of every alternative word, it’s very natural for them to feel frustrated! And this frustration can result in higher bounce rates, eventually affecting your website’s rankings!

That’s why it’s always preferable for you to hire professional content writers in Kolkata to help you craft your website content. Because they have the necessary skills and experience to infuse readability into content, which ultimately increases engagement, and conversion rates optimally.

Let’s take a closer look at this blog to find out how the readability of content affects SEO and SERP rankings.

How Readability Affect SEO and SERP Rankings?

  • It helps enhance user experience

When blogs/ articles on your website are easy to read, users tend to stick to them, rather than switching to other options. Search engines take this as a sign that your content has top-notch engagement, and has provided value to the user. This eventually helps boost your website rankings in SERPs.

Moreover, making your content accessible to readers also helps contribute to an increased user experience. Learn more about increasing your content’s accessibility here.

  • It helps reduce bounce rates

Bounce rates are another major ranking factor that search engines take into account. If your website content has a high readability score, it means users are spending more time on your website’s pages. This results in reduced bounce rates, which ultimately improves SEO, and helps your website rank higher in SERPs.

  • It helps increase session time

Another important ranking factor that search engines consider is the ‘session’ time, or ‘dwell’ time, which indicates how much amount of time an average user spends on your website. If you seek help from professional content writing services, they can help you craft super-engaging content with high readability scores. This means a user would spend more time on your website, which brings about positive effects on your search engine rankings.

The Final Verdict

Content plays a vital role in user engagement! However, that’s only possible if it passes the readability score. And that’s one of the key reasons why you should hire content writing services in India to make sure that your website content effectively catches user attention, which eventually will help enhance the SEO and SERP rankings of your business.

Are you looking for the best content-writing company in India? We at Content Freelancing can be your trusted content partner! Click on this link to learn more!